Vocals, Bass, Guitar, Mandolin,
Favorite Star Wars Character:
Vader, who else?
Favorite Verse:
Verses are an artificial division of a text which is meant to be read in much larger units, so I prefer chapters. My favorite chapter of the Bible could be Genesis 50, but I’m not really committed to that answer.
Favorite Worship Song:
Christ is risen by Matt Maher
Favorite Movies:
Don’t really go to many. But probably “Duck Soup”
Favorite Books:
FICTION: Dante’s Inferno, Rowling Harry Potter, Tolkien LOTR, Lewis Narnia, Space Trilogy, Great Divorce, Spencer The Fairy Queen, Haney Beowolf, White The Once and Future King, Rushdie Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Satanic Verses, Midnights Children, Lukka and the Fire of Life, Eco The Name of The Rose, Till We Have Faces, Scott Ivanhoe, Dickens Tale of Two Cities, Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov, Graves I Claudius, Homer Iliad, Herbert Dune, ChestertonThe Father Brown Stories, The Man Who was Thursday, anything by P.G. Wodehouse,
Historical: Meyer A World Undone, Hansen Carnage and Culture, Plutarch’s Lives, GrantThe Twelve Ceasars, Intellectuals/Creators by Paul Johnson, Green Evangelism in the Early Church, Gonzalez The Story of Christianity, Russia’s War, Annals of Tacitus, Anabasis by Xenophon,
Theological/Biblical: Calvin’s Institutes, The Message of Acts, Keil and Delitszch Commentaries on the Old Testament, From Paradise to Promised Land, Not the Way Its Supposed To Be, Confessions of St. Augustine, Abolition of Man,
Not done, but its a start.
Favorite Bands:
The Clash, Public Enemy, Elliot Smith, Elvis Costello
Favorite Phone App:
My Mandolin chord chart app, very helpful for guitar players learning mandolin.
Type of cell phone you use: iPhone 4
Approximate # of songs in your iTunes: 3000ish
Favorite thing to do on a day off:
Run on a trail for a long time
Triathlon, Reading, Ancient and Medieval history, basketball
Wacky and interesting facts about you that no one would normally know:
Third arm, very useful.
Best band moment or memory:
Really its an ongoing event. I love when I get messages from people from other countries about how we have helped and encouraged them. I have literally had these sorts of messages from six continents and dozens of countries. I also love getting them from military personnel.
Funniest band moment or memory:
One time after we played a show with the setting sun right in our eyes our trombone player Dan wasn’t feeling so well. He was laying down back stage feeling sick to his stomach and he got up and took off the lid of a big trash can. Just as he was projectile vomiting into this trashcan the girls from a very squeaky clean group called “Avalon” come out of their dressing room. The looks on their faces were part alarm, surprise, revulsion, and maybe, just a little attraction.
Worst or most embarrassing band moment:
There’s at least one every show.
Favorite Show or Tour and Why:
Early in our career we played a show in Denver opening for two of my favorite punk bands; The Bouncing Souls, and the Descendents. Later in our career Bill Stevenson the drummer of the Descendents produced our live album and said he liked our music, getting a compliment from one of your musical heroes is a pretty special thing for a musician.
Do you prefer beach, mountains, or forest?
I live in Denver so I would be horribly amiss not to say, “mountains!”
Favorite Supertones Song:
Louder Than The Mob. Best lyrics of my early career.
Short bio: (including when you joined the band, family, etc). The details of my life are quite inconsequential. But very well, where do I begin? My father was a boulangerie owner with low-grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My father would drink, he would womanize, he would make absurd claims like he invented the question mark, he would sometimes accuse chestnuts of being lazy. The sort of general malaise that only the genius posses and the insane lament…….
Ministries, special links:
Assistant Pastor at St. Patrick Presbyterian, Denver CO